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Bermuda Nusantara Raya, PT was established to accommodate the market demands for promotional and consumer goods supplier, as well as engage in general trading.Our core business lies in the niche market to cater the exclusive promotional item needs from consumer goods industry. We will also make significant penetration within other vertical markets, including manufacturing, government and services industry such as banking. In addition to that, we continuously upgrade our range of products and services to provide innovative products and services for businesses to stay ahead of the competition.
We pride ourselves as a knowledge-based company. We strive to continuously provide our customers with a better value-proposition through leveraging on our products and knowledge. The strength of the company lies in its people, its creativity, its passion and its continuous pursuit of quality. Our people's expertise comes mainly from the consumer industry sector. We combine the power of our people and networking as our vast and competitive resources to gain access to best quality raw material as well as finished goods. The combination of our expertise and resources with the quality of our alliances, have enhanced the range of products and service offerings by BNR. Positioning ourselves as a regional player, we will aggressively embark on a regional expansion trail. We believe that BNR is well positioned to be a leading player in the provision of general trading and supplier.